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日本ヒートアイランド学会論文集 Vol.14 (2019)

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Tree-planting Experiment in City Area by Constructable Tree-planting Technique and Effect of Water Spray

吉田 匡利 Masatoshi Yoshida*1 石田 祐也 Yuya Ishida *2  岩崎 春彦 Haruhiko Iwasaki*3 天谷 賢児 Kenji Amagai *3 
鵜飼 恵三 Keizo Ugai*4 宮下 邦彦 Kunihiko Miyashita *5  畠山 忠之 Tadayuki Hatakeyama *6

*1 群馬県立太田産業技術専門校 Ohta Industrial Technology Tranning School, Gunma Prefecture

*2 地方独立行政法人 東京都立産業技術研究センター Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute

*3 群馬大学大学院理工学府 Fauclty of Science and Technology, Gunma University

*4 群馬大学名誉教授 Emeritus Professor, Gunma University

*5 群馬県沼田土木事務所 Numata Civil Engineering Office, Gunma Prefecture

*6 館林市役所 Tatebayashi City Office


In order to form a cool space in the city area at summer season, the experiments which installs an artificial small forest was conducted at Tatebayashi city in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. 12m×8m area forest was build up near the train station of Tatebayashi city. Trees of various types were used for making the forest. Water spray was used to enhance the air temperature reduction in the foreset. Air temperatures and humidities at several points in the artificial forest were measured. Temperature reduction effects by the artificial forest and water spray were analysed from long-term experimental data during about one month. The questionnaire about the comfortable was also carried out for the citizens. As the results, it was confirmed that an artificial forest and water spray was effective in order to form the cool space into a city area.
